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(using Plantables seed bombs)
Let's Make a Pollinator Patch!!

Find a sunny location for your
pollinator patch. At least 4 hours
of sun is recommended. Make sure there are no utility lines near
your new garden space.

Step One
Making a pollinator patch is not only incredibly important for our pollinator friends but it also can be unbelievably beautiful in your yard!! And here's the good news, no patch is too small. Every patch can make a difference!! And more good news - it is easy, when you use Plantables seed bombs!! All you need is: a shovel, some compost, some mulch, and a box of Bulk Bombs, Below are fun step by step instructions. Happy Planting!

Step Two
Removing the top layer of sod might be the hardest part in making your patch. Use a flat head shovel to get just under
the sod. Try not to remove too much of your soil. Again, check for utility lines that might be in your patch,

Our 4' W x 15' L garden is located on our boulevard.
We framed the garden with our existing grass (so soil
runoff wouldn't enter the sewer system).

Step Three
To get your patch off to a
good start, sprinkle some
organic compost on top of
your new garden space.
With a shovel, dig it in with the exsisting soil

Now sprinkle 2 - 3 inches
of wood mulch over your
entire garden. The mulch
will prevent weeds from
growing and it will also help
retain moisture for the seed
bombs to remain wet.
Step Four

Scratch away a small amount of mulch and place
seed bomb on prepared soil. Press them partially
in the ground but DO NOT BURY THEM.
Step Five

We recommend that you space seed bombs
approximately one foot from each other. Our Bulk Bomb box covers a 60 square foot patch.

Okay, this is really important. Everyday, water your seed
bombs generously until
plants reach approximately
four inches in height. Then
water as needed throughout
the summer.
Step Six

Just watch your new friends come to your beautiful Pollinator Patch!!

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